Michelle Hellmann (No Name 6)

Michelle Hellmann (No Name 5)

Michelle Hellmann (No Name 4)

Michelle Hellmann (No Name 3)

Michelle Hellmann (No Name 2)

Michelle Hellmann (No Name 1)

Marge Krieger Tote Bag

Marge Krieger Lion

Marge Krieger Leopard

Marge Krieger Cockatoo

Marge Kreiger Tiger Pillow

Marge Kreiger Birdhouse

Marge Kreiger Birdhouse Pillow

Lynn Ticotsky Secret Depths

Linda Upp Rowing Quilt

Linda Upp In a Land Far, Far Away

Linda Upp Going Batty

Lee Schon Salem Witches Quilt Guild

Laurey Patterson (No Name 6)

Laurey Patterson (No Name 5)

Laurey Patterson (No Name 4)

Laurey Patterson (No Name 3)

Laurey Patterson (No Name 2)

Laurey Patterson (No Name 1)

Kyle Ice (No Name 4)

Kyle Ice (No Name 3)

Kyle Ice (No Name 2)

Kyle Ice (No Name 1)

Kathy Winholt Sweet Emma

Kathy Laviere Solo Hexi

Kathy Fahey (No Name)

Julie Walker Kids Komfort

Julie Walker (No Name 2)

Julie Walker (No Name 1)

Joyce Foley QOV

Jenny Pansing Sweet Magnolias

Jenny Pansing (Work in progress)

Jane Coil Feedsack Quilt

Gorman Farm Quilters Clucking COVID

Gloria Causey Swirling Snowflakes

Gloria Causey (No Name)

Dorothy Gilstrap One Block Wonder

Dorothy Gilstrap Ohio Valley Quilters Guild Round Robin

Dorothy Gilstrap Blue Stars

Diana McDonough Silver Shores

Diana McDonough Sewing Machine Cover

Diana McDonough Celtic Knot

Cass Plott Mardit Gras (front)

Cass Plott Mardit Gras (back)

Cass Plott I Spy With a Twist (front)

Cass Plott I Spy With a Twist (back)

Cass Plott Happy Together (front)

Cass Plott Happy Together (back)

Barbara Harrison QOV’s

Barbara Harrison (No Name 3)

Barbara Harrison (No Name 2)

Barbara Harrison (No Name 1)

Barb Grothaus (No Name 3)

Barb Grothaus (No Name 2)

Barb Grothaus (No Name 1)

Zoe Enright Not Today

Yvonne Gail Guinea Pig Quilt

Yvonne Gail Guinea Pig Quilt (back)

Yvonne Gail (840 pieces)

Yvonne Gail (840 pieces – back)

Vicky Ernst (No Name 3)

Vicky Ernst (No Name 2)

Vicky Ernst (No Name 1)

Vicky Carroll Grandmother’s Flower Garden

Vicky Carroll (No Name)

Suzette Middleton Sea Swept

Suzette Middleton (No Name 2)

Suzette Middleton (No Name 1)

Stephanie Huston Winter Village

Stephanie Huston Tri-State Shop Hop

Rita Musbach (No Name)

Pat Suttmiller (No Name)

Pam Seip Seven Sisters

Pam Seip Paris Flea Market

Pam Seip Gone Fishing, Lemmy and Aloha Maui

Pam Seip (No Name)

Pam Chiappone (No Name 2)

Pam Chiappone (No Name 1)

Michelle Hellmann (No Name 8)

Michelle Hellmann (No Name 7)